Monday 28 April 2014

My Top Tips for Job Applicants

Hello World :)

First off, these are my personal opinions, but I hope that some find this useful. I've always been in the  position of a job applicant before, but a few months back I changed roles to one who was reviewing CVs. In light of that fact, these are my top tips:

1) Don't make mistakes. If you mention that you saw a job advertised on a specific site, make sure that you get the name of the site correct. Check your spelling before sending your CV. Everyone makes mistakes, but a job application is one place where they will not be overlooked.

2) Include a cover letter / application letter with your CV. When going through a large pile of CVs, one's eye is immediately drawn to those that have an accompanying letter stating why you feel that you qualify for the advertised position. Especially appealing is a letter that mentions the specific job that you are applying for, rather than a standardised cover letter.

3) Show professionalism. Use proper grammar and avoid abbreviations of words or 'texting shorthand'. People most often write the way they will speak, so if you want to be considered for a job, write your CV using a smart font of a small size and word it well. It should look and sound professional.

4) Include a picture of yourself. A prospective employer will be drawn to a well groomed and smiling face more than simply words on a paper.

5) Don't include all your work history if it is irrelevant. This one could cause some confusion, but I'm referring to instances where job applicants have a long list of work experience. If you are applying for an office job, list your relevant experience, i.e. computer skills and switchboard experience. The fact that you were once a gym instructor is not relevant.

6) Lastly, when going for an interview, look the part! If you are applying for an office job, don't wear casual or sloppy clothes. Make sure your hair isn't wet or messy. Put in some effort to look your best. First impressions last!

If you are a job-seeker, I hope you found this helpful! If you enjoyed this post, subscribe to my blog or follow me on Google+ ;)

Keep smiling :D

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